Monday, February 25, 2008

Notes on the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement

The Mexican American Civil Rights Movement-> 1960s. Problem with restoration of land grants, farm workers rights, enhanced education, voting and political rights. Tejanos (Mexican or Spanish Texans) organized protection for themselves from official land private of discrimination. The movement was strongest in Texas.

"La Raza"-> "The People". Hispanics and Chicanos from the Aztec heritage. Originated from the book La Raza Cósmica written by a Mexican writer Jóse Vasconcelos. People of Mexiacan descent. Camraderie among different oragnizations.

The Young Lords-> Political organization in Chicago. A well-known Chicago street gang. Committed to human rights and the liberation of Puerto Rico. Brought attention to the economic, social, and political conditions in Latino communities. Lost existance do to goernment interference in 1976.

Cesar Chavez-> Mexican American labor activist. Leader of the United Farm Workers. Leading voice of migrant farm workers. Spoke of laborers bad working condition which led to the improvement of such matters.

Rodolfo "Corky" Gonzales-> Leader of Denver War on Poverty Inc. Organized the Chicano Youth Liberation Conference in Denver, Colorado in March of 1969. Established the La Raza Unida Party of Denver in 1970. Said to have defined Chicano activism, politics, and culture.

La Raza Unid Party-> Called"Party of the United Race" by the Texans and "United People's Party" by the Mexicans. Established on January 17,1970 in Crystal City, Texas by Jóse Angel Gutiérrez and Mario Compean. U.S. third political party.

Reies Lopez Tijerina-> "Tiger King"-> 1960s. Leader of struggle to restore New Mexican land grants to Spanish and Mexican descendants. An image fro the Chicano Movement. Raided Tiera Amarilla courthouse in 1967.

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